MYTH: Profit maximization and trust building are conflicting strategies
First, let’s address a common misconception that focusing on treating employees well and maximizing earnings are concepts that are in conflict with each other.
Choosing A Title For My Book
Last week I met a friend for lunch. She arrived at the restaurant visibly upset. She apologized to me and said she just needed 5 minutes...
Not a Fan of Appropriate
I am not a fan of being appropriate. I don’t like to dress appropriately, say appropriate things, and I particularly dislike ‘behaving’ appropriately. I mean, what is appropriate anyway? Appropriateness relates to specific groups, and their group norms. While we understand appropriate to mean ‘proper’ or ‘suitable’, there isn’t a universal definition of how to behave appropriately.
Start With A Simple Hello
I am usually in my head, as I’m walking down the street, riding in the elevator, or lining up for the cashier at the store. Sometimes I’m trying to solve issues, like how my client can shave ten minutes off their application process to address concerns that the sales process takes too long.
What Is Your Favourite Swear Word?
What an awesome interview question. For me it would have to be the faithful F-word. None of the others are as concise and to the point. One syllable.