I have been a loyal TELUS customer and fan for over a decade. I recall several years ago calling the TELUS contact centre to order a product one of their competitors had advertised. I just assumed TELUS had their own version of the product and I wanted it. Sadly, the contact centre agent informed me that not only did they not have the product but she wasn’t aware there were plans for them to offer it any time soon. Did I run into the arms of the competition to get this newest piece of technology? Absolutely not. I was a little disappointed but quickly recovered. The inconvenience of missing out on this new gadget was overshadowed by the many benefits of being a TELUS customer.

Why do I love TELUS so much? They treat me like they truly appreciate my business and hope to keep me as a customer until death do us part or until I can no longer use a cell phone. Their contact centre agents, my primary connection with the organization, are engaging and knowledgeable and truly seek to solve whatever issue I’m encountering, whether I’m trying to get a deal on a new plan or resolve a service issue.

It’s not surprising that TELUS employees are proactive and responsive to clients when we learn that TELUS leaders treat employees as valuable assets to the organization. They foster high trust by engaging in meaningful programs to capture and respond to employee feedback. They have also implemented flexibility in the work schedule to allow employees to do their best work while achieving some balance in other parts of their lives.

Here are three of the many reasons why TELUS is being profiled as a high trust organization.

Trust Reason #1

TELUS has a program for employees called Work Styles which provides employees with the flexibility to work when and where they are most effective. The Work Styles program allows employees to support their high level of customer service while still having a decent work life balance. The program was introduced years ago. When most organizations moved to remote work in 2020 at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, this shift was less disruptive for TELUS as the framework for remote work and collaboration was already established.

Trust Reason #2

The leadership team at TELUS reinforces and models the TELUS values of 1) embracing change and initiating opportunity, 2) having a passion for growth, 3) believing in spirited teamwork and 4) having the courage to innovate. These are not just inspirational principles on their corporate website. Employees can cite examples of how these values are demonstrated every day.

Trust Reason #3

Finally, TELUS has an effective employee engagement program. They circulate an employee engagement survey which captures employee perspectives, feedback and ideas. Employees are encouraged to be candid about what’s going well and highlight where there’s room for improvement.  Once the results are processed, each leader works with a designated team member to create an action plan. These action plans have been the catalyst for new programs and initiatives that reinforce the company’s culture, resulting in TELUS being named one of the top places to work internationally.

TELUS is a high trust work environment.

By Dionne England – Published Author

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